We communicate because we exist.
Because our awareness requires us to bear witness, and occasionally, to speak out.
Because we cannot ignore what is happening around us.
It is our ethical and moral duty, first and foremost.
Especially when silence appears to endorse “institutional failures” and to exacerbate the discomfort of a modernity that is culturally split in terms of equality and inclusion.
Well, silence does not become us.
This project offers us the opportunity to fiercely underline, once again, our total aversion to any form of abuse, and to those who want to build walls and divide, and to split humanity into black and white, into races, clans, and tribes.
Karman 2021 benefits from two exceptional testimonials: Jeffry and Sandra, two models, but first and foremost, two people with whom we share and hope to achieve this important goal.
We’re doing things our way, convinced that nowhere is more or less “appropriate” when it comes to standing up for human rights.
You may ask us to be quiet, but we will not oblige.